Centro de Investigación Orográfica

Who We Are

Gran Sierra Plegada is an autonomous, non-governmental mexican organization focused on scientific research, conservation and restoration efforts in the Sierra Madre Oriental and Chihuahuan Desert ecosystems in northeastern Mexico. Employing multiple strategic guidelines, we work on expanding scientific knowledge on mountain ecosystems, on identifying and assessing environmental issues which imperil these regions' biodiversity and ecological integrity, and on addressing those issues by putting at work solutions to them.

As a multidisciplinary team with expertise on biological, ecological, environmental and social sciences, we share a profound respect for these mountains, a lasting devotion to these natural territories, and a deep passion for mountaineering and science as our keystone tools of the trade necessary for the achievement of the scientific understanding and environmental conservation we strive and work for.

Throughout more than 15 years of activity within this vast sierras and desert we have gradually achieved an ample geographical and environmental knowledge of their territories in northeastern Mexico, a knowledge coupled with the forging of strong friendship and collaboration relationships with local inhabitants.

One main trait distinguishes us: our specialization on hard-to-reach, remote or topographically adverse locations, which demand knowledge and experience in mountaineering and exploration in order to build valuable knowledge on these understudied but critical regions and thus be able to inform conservation and restoration priorities.

Communication and outreach is one of our main goals: we strive to collaboratively contribute to the education efforts on the environmental, social and economic importance of the Sierra Madre Oriental and Chihuahuan Desert regions in northeastern Mexico.

Finally, we do not shy away from scientific advocacy. We contribute as speakers on environmental public gatherings and congresses and actively advocate in environmental policy throughout social-governmental meetings where we push for consideration of scientifically-sound information as a requirement for government decision-making on environmental and social matters linked to the Sierra Madre Oriental and Chihuahuan Desert resources.

Derechos Reservados © 2019. Centro de Investigación Orográfica
Sierra Madre Oriental, Gran Sierra Plegada
Fotografía y Contenido: Bernardo Marino

Spanish version